Monday, May 3, 2010

McColl Center

Today we went to the McColl Center for a field trip.
Some of the work in there was pretty nice but I didn't really get how someone can make something so simple and trashy looking and then sell it for so much money.
I understand that some people enjoy it and all but then again I think that some people must buy it just because someone once said it was art.
I've seen things similar at yard sells and I didn't really think it was classy then either.
The stuff in the upstairs hallways were a lot more interesting than the stuff downstairs.

Second Final Poject Post

I'm not really sure what I want to do. I was thinking about taking a pack of cigarettes and breaking them each and having a reason for breaking each one. Example: when the first time I hid my fathers packs or that my grandfather died of lung cancer. It would like a performance piece because I can only do it that one time in front of everyone. I'm just not sure if it's a good idea or not and if it isn't then I'm pretty lost at what to do.